Project Management for Non-Project Managers


Project management is one of the skills even those whose domain of expertise it is not, are expected to know in detail. Project management is a very useful supplementary skill to have for non-project managers simply because every work in most organizations gets done as projects. When project managers or others who work on project management are unable to deliver-whatever be the reason for it-others are expected to fit into their shoes and deliver. This substitution can make the difference between the completion and noncompletion of a project.

A six-hour webinar from GlobalCompliancePanel, a leading provider of professional training for all the areas of regulatory compliance, will show how non-project managers can acquire knowledge of project management. This webinar, which is being organized on March 20, brings Charles H. Paul, who is the President of C. H. Paul Consulting, Inc., a regulatory, manufacturing, training, and technical documentation consulting firm, as the expert.

Kindly visit globalcompliancepanel  to enroll for this valuable learning and gain insights into how to ensure that projects do not get stalled for want of availability of the right personnel.


Charles will give an understanding of the critical tasks within each project phase that non-project managers must perform rightly if the project is to be completed on time while meeting the requirements. This learning will offer a foundation and direction for future study of the subject.

Over the course of these six hours, Charles will offer the basic tools that smoothen the implementation of a project. These tools are vital to ensuring this. He will divide this webinar into two three-hour slots, during which he will offer learning of the ways by which to manage the project from beginning till end, moving logically across these endpoints during these two sessions.

This webinar is of core importance to any member of a cross functional project team that has the potential opportunity to lead that project, engineers, marketing associates, product managers, program managers, contract managers, project managers, Research & Development Associates, managers, and directors, design engineers, and manufacturing managers.


About the expert: Paul’s company, C. H. Paul Consulting, Inc., is a regulatory, manufacturing, training, and technical documentation consulting firm. The firm works with both domestic and international clients designing solutions for complex training and documentation issues.

Paul has been a regulatory and management consultant and an Instructional Technologist for 30 years, and has published numerous white papers on various regulatory and training subjects.

Apart from holding senior positions in consulting and in corporate training development, he has also worked for several years in government contracting, where he has managed the development of significant Army-wide training development contracts. His work has impacted virtually all of the active Army and changed the training paradigm throughout the military.



Author: GlobalCompliancePanel-Training

GlobalCompliancePanel is an online training gateway delivering high quality regulatory & compliance trainings in a simple, cost effective and in a user friendly format.

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